shini is a small zsh style everyone can use. It comes with the following features:
- directory (with home/~ alias)
- username
- short hostname
- time
- git branch (builtin)
- last command status (wip)
shini can be used on any OS with any zsh config. All you need is zsh, git and a terminal.
git clone
cd shini-zsh-theme
source /path/of/shini.zsh-theme
Copy everything and paste it into a file like shini.zsh-theme or theme.zsh or zsh-shini.theme. To permantly install, you need to write the last command to your .zshrc, or copy all of the theme to your .zshrc.
Oh My Zsh
git clone
cd shini-zsh-theme
cp shini.zsh-theme $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes
Set your .zshrc to ZSH_THEME="shini/shini"
Note: You cannot remove the .zsh-theme extension. Otherwise, you will only get the classic zsh theme. (You don’t just want “hostname%” do you?)